Budgeting can get difficult and clumsy. It gets tough if you do not have a strategy on how to track your finances and save money. If you have challenges with budgeting, saving money and managing your finances the right way, you are not alone. These 8 personal finance apps will help you track your finances and manage your money more efficiently.
1. Money wise
Money wise helps you track your everyday expenses and take control of your finances. It is a free personal finance app which helps you track where your money goes. With this electronic chequebook, you can easily track your everyday expenses by creating budgets and keeping an eye on your cash flow.
There are graphs and filters that give you an overview of spending patterns. You can also see details of what your money is spent on. It provides an in-depth analysis of your finances and allows you to export all data to your computer and import it into a spreadsheet application such as Excel.
You can set budgets for ”Bills”, ”Grocery cost”, ”Fuel Cost” and more.
Download the app now and manage your finances better.
2. Money Lover
If you want to budget your money effectively, track expenses and never overspend again, you need this app. It helps you to stay on top of your budgets and bills at any time and place.
Simply, this app gives you a clear view of your financial life. It helps you to understand where your money comes and goes with visualized reports about income and expense. All these are arranged by time and category.
With Money Lover, you get to schedule upcoming bills and get informed before time is due for payment.
3. Spendee
The Spendee mobile app helps you track your money (both expense and income) automatically through bank sync or manually. It makes it easier to analyse, organize and budget your money.
One exciting feature of this app is that you can invite others to manage your shared family or household budgets. It allows you to create shared wallets with your friends and family. You can also manage your money in multiple currencies across multiple bank accounts.
Spendee is a useful personal finance app for students and adults. If you want to prepare your finances for the future, this money manager app will help you do so.
4. Thriv
Do you have a goal you want to save money towards? Thriv is the app you need. This app helps you to save money towards a specific goal.
Thriv is a digital piggy bank, savings planner, budget planner and money tracker. It helps you manage your expenses. If you want to motivate yourself to keep saving money on the things you really want in the future, check out Thriv.
5. Reach
This app is helpful if you want to automate your expenses, track your spending and manage your budget.
Unfortunately, Reach is only available for Android users. This app is a spending tracker and budget tool which helps you know where your money is going. It helps you appreciate your spending pattern and adjust it to meet your life goals. This includes what you spend, where and when you spend it.
If you want to automatically and manually track your expenses so you do not go broke, this is the app you should be looking for.
This app only supports 17 banks in Ghana and Nigeria.
6. Mint
Intuit’s Mint is possibly the most widely used personal finance app. With Mint, you can manage your finances easily. It is a free money manager which helps you track your finances. You can see where your money is going and track your bills.
The app brings together your bank accounts, credit cards, bills and investments and gives you a good overview of your finances. You can manage your finances in one place, budget better and save time and money. You also get bill pay reminders to help you pay your bills on time.
7. PocketGuard
If you are in the US or Canada, PocketGuard is an easy-to-use personal finance app which makes money management and budgeting trouble-free. You can pay bills, manage multiple accounts and track your spending habits.
You can track your expenses, manage your bank accounts, credit and debit cards in one place. With PocketGuard, you can sync your loans and connect all your financial accounts in one place.
8. Wally
This personal finance app lets you manage finances in a practical manner. Wally helps you track your expenses and gives you a reflection of how much you spend daily, weekly and monthly. The exciting part is that you can organise expenses in various categories. This allows you to track where a majority of your money is going in order to understand and analyse your spending pattern, to make the right financial decisions.
What I find interesting about this app is that it allows you to scan a receipt while it automatically inputs the details of your purchase on the receipt. You do not have to type in every single detail manually. How cool is that! 🙂
You can download Wally from the Google Play Store or App Store
These are 8 useful personal finance apps that can help you manage your finances properly the easy way. Check them out, download which one(s) satisfies your needs and manage your money better.
Before you go, you may be interested in 5 Smart Ways to Avoid Impulse Buying and Save Money. Click here to check it out.