I have never met a person who does not love a clean kitchen space. Imagine your kitchen cabinet, sink and cooker sparkling and literally smiling at you. On the other hand, imagine a kitchen filled with greasy pans and sinks, damp kitchen napkins and a sink filled with dirty dishes (that is even depressing to think of).
If you had to choose between the two scenarios, which one would you choose? Obviously a clean and organized kitchen. Well, that obviously seems like a lot of work to achieve but it’s not.
These are 8 easy tips to help you keep your kitchen clean and organized while spending less time, less energy and less money.
1. Wash the dishes and utensils as soon as you use them
One of the main things that leave your kitchen looking dirty and messed up is a sink filled with dirty dishes. Of course, you wish you never had a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink, but it happens anyway. What can you do about this? Clean up even before a mess is created.
Growing up, my mom used to insist on one thing; do the dishes while you cook. This means filling up the sink or getting a bowl of water ready in the kitchen to wash utensils immediately after you use them. Do not wait until you finish cooking or doing everything before you start washing the dishes.
Personally, it scares me to see the unwashed dishes piled up. Do not put yourself in a similar situation. 🙁
2. Clean the sink each time you wash the dishes
Do not wait for a special time to clean the kitchen sink; clean immediately after washing the dishes. To give it a sparkle and fresh fragrance, after cleaning with a soapy sponge, slice one or two lemons, squeeze the juice of the lemon in a bowl of lukewarm water and use it to rinse the sink. Wipe the sink dry with a clean napkin.
You see, done! It doesn’t just leave your kitchen looking and feeling good, it leaves you feeling good too.
3. Clean the stove immediately after cooking
When the stove is dirty with dry stains of food, it gets difficult to clean it up. To prevent this, clean up as soon as you finish cooking. This prevents you from being met with a greasy stove as soon as it is time to prepare another meal.
With a sponge soaked in water and soap, clean the top of the stove thoroughly to get rid of the greasy surface. Next, wipe the surface with a wet sponge. Rinse the sponge with clean water. Wipe the stove with a dry cloth. This should only take a few minutes.
5. Clean the countertop frequently
The countertop is usually your working surface in the kitchen. Make sure you clean the countertop to get rid of bacteria and dirt. With a soapy wet cloth, wipe the countertop of the kitchen to keep it clean. Do this occasionally while cooking; it makes it easier to finish up with a clean kitchen.
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5. Prepare your ingredients and store
This is perhaps one of the most important hacks to keep your kitchen clean; it also saves you time. You may relate to this if you shop in bulk. When you shop in bulk, wash your ingredients clean and keep them in the refrigerator.
This means you do not have to spend a lot of time to wash lettuce or carrots every single time you need to use them. This reduces the amount of mess you make every day in the kitchen. When you prepare and store vegetables, all you need to do walk to the fridge, take your already washed and properly stored veggies, give them a simple rinse and toss them in your meal. You do this without creating a lot of mess in the kitchen.
6. Sweep the kitchen floor after cooking
Your kitchen floor can sparkle like any other surface when kept clean. My aunt shared a hack that I find efficient in keeping her kitchen floor clean. She keeps a mop stick in a corner of her kitchen while she cooks; she wipes the floor dry whenever any liquid pours on the kitchen floor. This prevents the floor from looking dirty after cooking.
You see, you can easily keep your kitchen floor clean while you cook.
7. Separate your wet waste from solid waste
Ensuring you do not pour any liquid in your kitchen trash will help to eliminate bad odors. If it is possible, keep your garbage bin outside the kitchen. Your goal here is to keep the atmosphere in your kitchen fresh and clean.
Separating waste is very important in keeping your trash can, and by extension your kitchen clean. Do you know that there is a system put in place in Kuala Lumpur and other cities in Malaysia to impose a fine on people who fail to separate their waste? Well, this gives you an idea of how important waste separation is.
8. Put things back where you took them
If you finish using the salt, put it back where it is supposed to be. If you develop the habit of putting things back where you took them from, your kitchen will always look organized and clean. Like I said before, your kitchen will look good even before a mess is created.
You can easily keep your kitchen clean with these simple tips. Wash the dishes/utensils as soon as you use them, clean the sink regularly, clean the stove immediately after cooking and clean the countertops frequently. You can also clean ingredients and store, clean the kitchen floor regularly, separate your liquid waste from your solid waste and put things back where you took them.
These 8 tips will help you clean up even before a mess is created in your kitchen. Before you go, grab a FREE self-improvement workbook. Click here for your copy.