Walking away from a toxic relationship is one of the best decisions you will ever make in your life. Just like any other relationship, letting go can be hard and painful (but worth it). This is because some memories of the good times you had in the past could create the impression that things will change. Unfortunately, it is wise to walk out of a toxic relationship than to stay and live to regret it.
In this post, I will share with you 3 important tips that can help you move on from a toxic relationship.
Before I proceed, I want to explain what I mean by a toxic relationship and why you must walk away from one as soon as possible.
What is a toxic relationship?
A person’s description of a toxic relationship may vary depending on your peculiar situation.
Generally, a toxic relationship is a relationship which prevents you from being your best self and has the potential of causing you harm. Toxic relationships constantly hurt and can make you scared, unhappy and less confident. It limits your abilities and prevents you from becoming your best self and reaching your potential.
You may suffer physical or emotional abuse in a toxic relationship.
Why is it important to walk away?
Anything toxic is poisonous; this means that toxic relationships are not healthy. If you are unhappy in your relationship because of behaviors that constantly scare, hurt or limit you, chances of the situation getting better and/or the person changing may be slim.
To keep your sanity, self-worth and be happy, please walk away from a toxic relationship.
Most importantly, do not take your instincts for granted. If that tiny voice inside keeps telling you that the relationship is not right for you, walk away. You can read more on 6 signs it is time to quit a relationship here.
How can you move on from a toxic relationship? Here are three powerful ways.
1. Admit that is is time to walk out of the relationship
You will never be courageous enough to leave a toxic relationship if you do not admit that it is time to walk away. A good relationship makes you happy, helps you build a positive personality and provides a support system. If you are getting nothing positive from a relationship and you feel deep within you that it is time to leave, you must stop making excuses and walk away.
What normally clouds your confidence to walk away is the feeling that things will get better, and a fear of what your partner and other people will think. Do not lose your happiness to fear. This is your life. Think about yourself first, and what is good for you. If you cannot fight for your freedom and happiness, nobody else will do it for you.
Once you admit you need to move out, make the big move- Walk Away!
If you do not do this, you may be stuck in a toxic relationship for a long long time.

Walk Away
2. You can move on after quitting a toxic relationship.
This is the most difficult part of the process. Leaving a toxic relationship is just as hurtful as leaving any other relationship. However, it is important to move on. How can you move on?
These are two things you can do to move on.
- Focus on yourself
This is the best time to focus on yourself and build your best life. Read books, take up self-development lessons and upgrade yourself. You can read about 6 simple life upgrades to improve yourself here.
2. ‘Replace’ the person
Sometimes the best way to get over someone is to replace them. I, however, do not recommend jumping into another relationship right after the breakup. This is because somebody can take advantage of your vulnerability while you, on the other hand, may not make a rational decision during that period.
If you were used to texting your boyfriend when you were in the relationship, text a friend instead. Spend time doing things or talking to other people you care about.
This prevents you from feeling like being in a bad relationship is better than being alone. Move on.
3. Open- up and build new and meaningful relationships.
Embracing new relationships is important after you have moved on from a toxic relationship. This simply means that you should not tag all relationships as being potentially toxic. The secret to moving on and making yourself better lies in your ability to avoid being bitter about your previous relationship; simply count your blessing and move on.
Give love a chance when you feel you are ready for it and leave the past behind you.

Build new relationships and move on
Do not stay in a toxic relationship. These tips should guide you, but it would take you and your willingness to walk away to make it happen. All you have to do is to admit you have to move on, deal with the break-up by focusing on yourself and replacing your losses, and finally build new and meaningful relationships.
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Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? How did you handle it?