Maybe your relationship was going just fine until things unexpectedly began to fall apart. You haven’t cheated or done anything wrong, so you’re wondering what could be destroying your relationship. If your relationship is taking a sudden sour turn and getting you confused, this is the relationship advice you need. You may be making one or more of these five mistakes.
1. Lying
Big or small, lies hurt. When your partner realizes that you are constantly lying to them, they get hurt and trust you less. In relationships, sometimes people tell a lie or two to save a situation, but when it becomes habitual, it could ruin your relationship.
Trust is very important and lying can destroy the trust your partner has for you. You may have heard a common saying that trust broken can never be repaired (and this is true ). Nobody wants to spend the rest of their life with a liar.
It is easy to come clean and make people accept you as you are. Do not pretend to be rich or something you are not. Let people be with you because they want you.
If you have been lying to your partner, it is time to quit lying and save your relationship.
2. Suspicion
Do you find yourself snooping around, trying to find evidence for something you suspect your partner is doing wrong? All the time? If yes, you are pushing your relationship to the edge of the cliff.
A good relationship is built on trust, and dwelling on suspicions will make you insecure and bitter.
Suspicion breeds insecurity and insecurity can destroy your relationship. When you have reason to be suspicious or insecure, talk to your partner about it. There could be a good reason for their actions.
3. You are a control freak
People do not want to feel restricted in a relationship. Everyone has a life to live and people get uncomfortable when controlled.
When you are constantly trying to own your partner, it could breed trouble. When they feel they are restricted and their freedom is taken, they may want to break loose; and when this happens, all hell breaks loose.
If you are a control freak, your partner is probably planning his exit. Relationships are a partnership and not a contract. You must respect the other person’s individuality.
If you are being too clingy, it can get too much for them. Let your partner have some me time and feel whole on their own. When you feel their world must be about you alone, you may be destroying your relationship.
People do not like to be controlled; they will either rebel or simply leave.
Related: 6 Signs it is Time to Break Up with Him
4. No Privacy
Are you always prying and snooping around? Picking up his phone, reading his text messages and trailing him all over social media is wrong. Maybe you simply believe you must be involved in everything going on in his life, but that is a big no. It can destroy your relationship.
Most people value their privacy and love their space. Stop stalking them on social media and trying to be in their space all the time.
5. Comparing your relationship to others
Constantly comparing will make you unsatisfied with your partner, which will eventually make you unhappy. You may be tempted to compare your partner to your friends’ boyfriends and their standards. However, remember that people are different and have varying strengths and weaknesses.
Other people may not expose the challenges they face in their relationships to you, which makes it a bad idea to compare.
Comparing can bruise the self-esteem of your partner and make him feel less confident and less interested in the relationship. This can also make them pretend to be who they are not. Do not measure your standards by someone else’s standards.
Be yourself, and let your partner be himself. That way, you will both be happy.
What Next
Do not take these factors for granted because they could be destroying your relationship. Stop being a constant liar, always being suspicious, a control freak, not giving your partner any privacy and constantly comparing your partner to other people. When you stop all these, your relationship will grow stronger.
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