Almost three years after graduation, I found myself without a job. Technically two years since the first year was for my compulsory national service. Financial independence was a major concern and some friends and family wondered how I survived without a job.
It was not an easy road, especially without any luck in my job search for a long time. I was fortunate to have support from family and close friends at different levels. However, that was not enough to sustain me financially and emotionally.
I survived but I learnt six major lessons which I want to share, to help you in your journey.
1. Find Something To Do, Even if it is Unpaid at the Beginning
I know this might sound silly, but it is the wisest decision you can take during your job search. Apart from the fact that it helps you gain more experience while you search for a job, it also saves your sanity.
Some internships pay stipends to interns monthly. When you search you could find one.
Do not give room to depression.
Your mental strength is the only way you can survive more than a year without a job. One of the best decisions I made after my one-year compulsory National Service was my ability to find an internship opportunity, network and learn.
That experience simply saved me from getting depressed. Most people find themselves in situations where they are constantly home, pity partying, thinking and beating themselves about. If you want to make good use of this period and remain sane, find something to keep you engaged.
You can volunteer in a company, take an internship, help a family member or friend to babysit or do something which will save you from depression. Being jobless is enough stress already, you cannot afford to be depressed or mentally pressured.
2. Be Focused on Finding Solutions rather than Feeling Sorry for Yourself
Being jobless can be stressful and it is up to you to find a solution to your situation, because truth is; NOBODY CARES! Well, maybe there are a few who care, but the extreme most people will go is to sympathize with you.
Get up, put on your thinking cap and brainstorm about what you can do to turn things around.
At this stage, you may have a million ideas on the next step, but it is important to figure out which ones are feasible. Whether you want to take a course, pursue a masters degree or start a business, it is important to think every step through.
In my case, ideas kept running in my head and I got excited about every single one of them.
Implementing your ideas or even taking baby steps to make them happen is the one thing which will prove your personality type; a dreamer or an achiever.
I failed at various attempts to make things happen, but with every single spill, I started a new idea all over again.
You do not want to make moving from one idea to the other a habit like I did, because when I realized the power of consistency and continuing from where I last stopped, I had already wasted enough time trying things that weren’t worth pursuing.
3. Start Something, Even if it Means Starting Small
Now let’s check out some of the things I explored.
I made and sold different products at different points in time including salad, sandwiches, mashed kenkey and plantain chips. I also attempted making kimonos for sale and sold clothes to university students. All these came at different stages of my ‘unemployed life’.
As much as some of them were considered too basic for a university graduate, I did not mind doing them at all.
Even though some of them did not last long, which means I quickly jumped unto the next idea, I was able to make money from others which sustained me for a period.
What you can do
Start a business: Online business is one way you can make money and is also a good way to brand yourself. Some bloggers make money just from building content and marketing, consistently.
Depending on your area of interest, you can start a blog, work hard and turn it into a money-making business.
There are other ways you can make money online. The internet is a great resource. You can find information and inspiration online on what fits your interests and skills.
Even if you do not have a skill, you can learn a skill and a lot more online.
The internet is a solution provider if used correctly. Technology has come to stay and you too can make money out of it.
You can also start any other business you are interested in, and not necessarily an online business (if you are not interested in online businesses).
Just make sure it is something you are interested in, which adds value and has potential of expanding and making you some money.
Most importantly, it should be one that solves a problem or adds value. That way, you will be able to monetize it sustainably.
Do not wait for millions to start. Start where you are.
4. Start an Internship
Most companies take interns as a way of identifying potential employees. Sometimes your internship works like an interview period, where you must prove your worth to your potential employers.
A friend of mine secured a job with a big media organisation after being an intern for almost two years. You need to be aware that after securing an internship, it is up to you to work and secure a job if you admire and love the company culture.
Internships are also a great way of learning, building experience, enriching your CV and meeting influencers in your field.
5. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Everyone has a different journey. The more you spend your energy comparing your journey to someone else’s, the more you lose energy you could have invested in your dreams.
As is often said, do not compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.
If you want to succeed, consider yourself your own project and work on yourself. Take some steps forward and you can achieve more than you imagined.
6. Use Your skill or learn a New Skill
Do you have a skill? Make it your job in the meantime and make some money.
If you can bake, weave, or even sew, start a home business and make people aware of your product or service using social media, or word of mouth. Do not sit at home and pity yourself or sleep all day when you could be earning something out of your skill.
Who knows? This could end up being your full-time job with profitable returns.
What Next?
There are a lot of things you can do to survive and make money while you are not gainfully employed.
Engage yourself in doing something instead of feeling sorry for yourself, start an initiative even if it means starting small, take an internship, stop comparing yourself to others and use your skill to start a business.
My story is different, and I believe everyone else’s is.
Do share with me how you survived or are surviving without a job. It could help someone out.
very informative.
Thank you Kevin.